Friday, June 20, 2008

Well, Here's a List of the Common Allergy and Bronchial Asthma Drugs

Anyone who has read most of my articles on the subject of asthma would easily garner that I tend to favor the more natural and non-conventional approach in regards to dealing with the respiratory disorder.

However, I am aware that many people may not necessarily be ready or prepared to fore-go so-called asthma drugs for alternative asthma treatment options, most people might still want information on allergy and bronchial asthma drugs options.

This may be based on the fact that being as though some recent studies have shown that when you give allergy shots to children with allergies, not only do their allergy symptoms improve, they are also less likely to develop asthma and also, since many cases of asthma are triggered by allergies, it makes sense that if you control the allergies, you will have fewer asthma attacks, so for those who choose more of a conventional approach for asthma treatment, perhaps there may be a link between allergy and bronchial asthma drugs after all.

That said I'll list the common allergy and bronchial asthma drugs choices most people use:

1. Accolate

2. Singulair

3. Claratyne / Claratin

4. Telfast / Allegra

5. Telfast D / Allegra D

6. Telfast 120

7. Zyrtec

8. Becloforte / Beclovent

9. Qvar Inhaler

10. Pulmicort

11. Flixotide / Flovent

12. Ventolin

13. Volmax

14. Serevent Inhaler

15. Atrovent

16. Combivent

17. Advair Diskus

18. Rhinolast / Astelin

19. Nasonex

20. Tilade

Talk about an exhausting list of allergy and bronchial asthma drugs choices!

Well, now, that I've paid homage to the medical fraternity by presenting their options for controlling respiratory disorders, allow me to present some simple tips and alternatives to these common allergy and bronchial asthma drugs that you could use preferably exclusively, or in conjunction with the ones above

1. Avoid excessive temperature changes.

2. Ensure dust mites are reduced as much as possible in your home

3. Use a humidifier along with a heater in the cold seasons.

4. Keep fresh air circulating as much as possible in the home.

5. Keep the bed clean - put dust proof covers with zippers on the mattress and pillow. Wash bed sheets and blankets in hot water.

6. Do not let pets in the bedroom.

7. Do not smoke.

8. Maintain good ventilation / Light.

9. Close the windows when the air outside is full of exhaust from cars, pollution from factories.

10. Air out the house before the patient with asthma returns e.g. sweep, vacuum, paint, spray for insects, are of strong cleaners, cook strong smelling foods.

Also, do keep in mind that it is advised that you avoid Mucus-Forming foods such as Animal flesh and products, Most Grains, Junk and Processed Foods and even some so-called health-food products like Soy, Yeast, Bragg’s Liquid Aminos and Vinegar.

Replace these items with Fruits, Leafy and Root Vegetables and if desired less harmful whole grains like Brown rice, Quinoa, Amaranth and Millet occasionally.

Furthermore, proper food combination and the abstinence from drinking liquids of any kind with your meals is suggested as these will see to it that the diaphragm is not constricted by a clogged up digestive tract consequently making breathing much freer and smoother.

In addition, make the effort to avoid the use of microwaves, conventionally grown produce and polluted tap water for your optimal health.

So, there you have it, both sides and methods of controlling asthma.

Well…here's to freer breathing!


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